- Nag Free
- Info: 2.42MB 11/30/98
- Description: Free version of Norton
Antivirus. This is not the DOS freebie they have at their site, it is a free (really
free!) Windows 95 - NT application they released and it scans and cleans most viruses,
don't forget to download the monthly virus definition update though. Do not try to
apply any patches or version upgrades to this free scanner, it will not work. And be sure
NAV is not running when you run the Virus Definition Update.
ALSO This is not compatible with FAT32. PS: You can still use this scanner and it
will still clean viruses from files even if you use FAT32, but it will not cleanup boot
sector viruses. The proper use for this is BEFORE you infect your computer. For example,
you download a file, save it to disk, then you can scan it before you run it, if it's
infected you can clean it and then run (or discard if you wish)